Dried Anaphalis
Dried pearly everlasting is a novelty on the Polish market and in our offer. Its white, spherical inflorescences look beautiful in a vase and DIY decorations.
Anaphalis (Anaphalis margaritacea) is a creeping perennial belonging to the Asteraceae family. The homeland of the plant is the northern areas of the United States and Canada. Anafalis is also found in the wild in Northeast Asia. In Poland, it appears only as a bedding species. It is a great decoration for rock gardens. It is also excellent for dried bouquets. Anaphalis is characterized by small white flowers with a yellow center, thanks to which it matches almost all dried flowers. It looks beautiful in a vase or in a bouquet. For this reason, it enjoys growing popularity among florists. It also wins the sympathy of handicraft lovers.
How does the Anaphalis look?
Anaphalis has single, stiff shoots growing from the rhizome. The stems can reach a height of up to 60 cm. They end with umbels composed of small flower baskets, which instead of petals have several rows of scaly underflower leaves. The center of the flowers turns yellow. Thus, anaphalis flowers are often said to resemble pearls. The shoots are leafy along their entire length. Narrow, lanceolate leaves are covered with a tormentum. Pearly everlasting blooms from late June to mid-September. In autumn, flowers replace fruit in the form of small achenes. It is worth remembering that for drying it is best to cut off the shoots with flowers that are not yet fully developed.
Anaphalis in natural conditions and in the garden
Under natural conditions, anaphalis grows in stony and dry grassy areas. In gardens, in turn, it looks beautiful on rockeries - from a distance its flowers resemble fluffy clouds. It can also be planted in borders, as it is an excellent companion for most popular garden species. It creates a wonderful duo with purple echinacea and rudbeckia, or delicate catnip or Persian. Dried flowers lovers can, in turn, plant it next to limonium or achillea, thus receiving the power of inspiration for dry bouquets. Anaphalis creates an excellent combination with blue flowers. So it will look beautiful growing next to the eryngium or echinops. Nothing stands in the way of compose it with dry ornamental grasses - sedge or briza.
The advantage of anaphalis is that it does not cause difficulties in care. The only condition is a well-sunlit, warm position. Otherwise, the plant's shoots may elongate and flowering may be reduced. The soil should be moderately fertile and airy. During drought, it is worth taking care of its regular watering, which will protect the leaves from drying out. Anaphalis is resistant to pests and diseases. It easily tolerates low temperatures, which means that it can overwinter in the garden. However, it should be remembered that this species is quite invasive. Its uncontrolled growth may therefore lead to drowning out other bedding species. An interesting fact is also the dioecy of anaphalis. To collect seeds, you must have both males and females in your garden.
Anaphalis - where to use it?
Anaphalis gives the power of floristic inspiration. Its small, delicate white flowers make it perfect for wedding and holy communion decorations. It can be one of the species included in the bride's bouquet. It will work well as a table decoration - both in a composition with other flowers, as well as solo - placed in transparent vases or placed next to tableware. Neutral colors make anaphalis a perfect harmony with many species of dried plants. It can be combined with canary grass or delphinium. It will also complement compositions with glixia or helichrysum. To give the composition a distinctive element, you can add a sprig of orange physalis to it.
The anaphalis will appeal to fans of handicrafts. From its single flowers you can create unique compositions for greeting cards. It will also work well as an element of 3D images. Anaphalis is also a species suitable for creating decorative wreaths then hung on doors, windows or walls. The most patient DIY enthusiasts may be tempted to use its single flowers for resin, thus creating original jewelry or decorative frames
Dried Anaphalis in Blosmi
Bunches of anaphalis are available in Blosmi, weighing about 80 g. The length of the shoots varies from 40 to 45 cm. Since the plant is just gaining popularity in Poland, it will certainly be of interest to fans of dried plants. Its beautiful habit and neutral color will provide a lot of creative inspiration. Anaphalis bouquets are carefully secured and properly packed for shipping.